From Solar Intergrated Poles equiped with high efficiency Luminaires in order to use an small LiPO battery, reducing the cost of the solution, to replace Industrial Highbay Led Lights in Warehouse to reduce more than 60% the energy Bill in Lighting. In More than Light you can got the right Partner for improve your Lighting in your Factories or Warehouse. The efficiency of our Led Lights go from 180-210 lm/W, and it means a big safe in energy cost. Think in Green and think also in safe your money with More Than Light Me.
We have the technology and products to reduce your Enegry Bill. Contact us and we will make an Energy Safe Study of your Industry or Warehouse.
When customers ask to me the value of our Products, I talk free and it is because with us you willl reduce your energy bill more than with others competitors. Phone: +971 564722175. mail: